Monday, February 2, 2009

deadwood 2

At Josh's request I kept working on my Al portrait... You may need to click on the picture to see the difference. :)

1 comment:

JVaughan said...

ROCK! All of those years of watching have Deadwood have paid off. I couldn't help but think about one of collective faves James Jean. He really is one of those guys that brings it all together; composition, color, texture, form, context, invention. But even when he is just working along on sketches on process recess there is a level of finish to all of those sketches. I think the EFFECIENCY comes AFTER the work, and maybe where you have been placing OVERWORKED was falling short. Maybe what you had defined was in fact just a level frustration with not being able to resolve certain problems in the work not related to overall quality. Just a thought. Art is always kind of wide open and it is difficult to channel all of those options effectively. The space to branch down the Oct-Tree of Suck is vast indeed. Take er Stateside homey!